To understand battery systems, simulation tools are often employed. For a high level of accuracy and reliability, these tools need accurate values of relevant physico-chemical parameters of the materials being involved. In case of binary electrolyte solutions, at least four different concentration and temperature-dependent transport parameters are required: the conductivity, the binary diffusion coefficient, the transference number, and the thermodynamic factor.
In this application note, we demonstrate how to determine the binary diffusion coefficient of a commercial liquid binary lithium ion battery electrolyte based on a galvanostatic pulse methode elaborated e.g. by Ehrl and Landesfeind et al. and Hou et al.
To cite this application note, please use: “Drüschler et al., rhd instruments GmbH & Co. KG, Application Note: Determination of the binary diffusion coefficient of a lithium-ion battery electrolyte, February 2020”.